Publisert 09.02.2009 , sist oppdatert 15.06.2021


Publications (lab. and lab-related), listed in reverse-chronological order.

Peer.reviewed and published

Un-published thesis and reports



Peer-reviewed and published

Solgaard, A. M., A. Messerli, T. Schellenberger, C. Hvidberg, A. Grinsted, M. Jackson, T. Zwinger, N. Karlson and D. Dahl-Jensen. 2018. Basal conditions at Engabreen, Norway, inferred from surface measurements and inverse modelling. Journal of Glaciology, 1-13. doi:10.1017/jog.2018.45.

Barnett, M. J., M. Pawlett, J.L. Wadham, M. Jackson and D.C. Cullen. 2016. Demonstration of a multi-technique approach to assess glacial microbial populations in the field. Journal of Glaciology, Available on CJO 2016  doi:10.1017/jog.2016.23

Telling, J., E. S. Boyd, N. Bone, E. L. Jones, M. Tranter, J. W. MacFarlane, P. G. Martin, J. L. Wadham, G. Lamarche-Gagnon, M. L. Skidmore, T. L. Hamilton, E. Hill, M. Jackson and D. A. Hodgson. 2015. Rock comminution as a source of hydrogen for subglacial ecosystems. Nature Geoscience 8, 851–855/Abstract

Lefeuvre, P-M,  M. Jackson, G. Lappegard and J.O. Hagen. 2015.  Inter-annual variability of glacier basal pressure from a 20 year record. Annals of Glaciology, 56(70) 2015 doi: 10.3189/2015AoG70A019

Moore, P.L. 2014. Deformation of debris-ice mixtures. Reviews of Geophysics  v. 52, doi:10.1002/2014RG000453.

Zoet, L. K., B. Carpenter, M. Scuderi, R. B. Alley, S. Anandakrishnan, C. Marone and M. Jackson. 2013. The effects of entrained debris on the basal sliding stability of a glacier. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 118(2). DOI: 10.1002/jgrf.20052.

Moore, P. L., J. P. Winberry, N. R. Iverson, K. A. Christianson, S. Anandakrishnan, M. Jackson, M. E. Mathison and D. Cohen. 2013. Glacier slip and seismicity induced by surface melt. Geology, 41(12), 1247-1250. Abstract

Barnett, M. J., J. L. Wadham, M. Jackson, D. C. Cullen. 2012. In-Field Implementation of a Recombinant Factor C Assay for the Detection of Lipopolysaccharide as a Biomarker of Extant Life within Glacial Environments. Biosensors, 2, 83-100. bios2010083

Zoet, L. K., S. Anandakrishnan, R. B. Alley, C. Marone and M. Jackson. 2011. The Effect of Basal Ice Debris Load on Sliding Regime and thus Erosion Rates. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs.

Dubnick, A., J. Barker, M. Sharp, J. Wadham, G. Lis, J. Telling, S. Fitzsimmons and M. Jackson. 2010. Characterisation of dissolved organic matter (DOM) from glacial environments using total fluorescence spectroscopy and parallel factor analysis. Annals of Glaciology, 51(56), 111-122. 2010AoG51Dubnick

Wadham,  J.L., M. Tranter, M. Skidmore, A. J. Hodson, J. Priscu, W. B. Lyons, M. Sharp, P. Wynn, M. Jackson. 2010. Biogeochemical weathering under ice: Size matters. Global biogeochemical cycles, Vol. 24, doi:10.1029/2009GB003688

Iverson, N. R., T. S. Hooyer, U. H. Fischer, D. Cohen, P. L. Moore, M. Jackson, G. Lappegard, and J. Kohler, 2007. Soft-bed experiments beneath Engabreen, Norway: Regelation infiltration, basal slip, and bed deformation. Journal of Glaciology, 53, 323-341. jog.2007.53

Cohen D., T. S. Hooyer, N. R. Iverson, J. F. Thomason and M. Jackson. 2006. Role of transient water pressure in quarrying: a subglacial experiment using acoustic emissions.  Journal of Geophysical Research., 111, F03006, doi:10.1029/2005JF000439. JGR2006

Lappegard, G. 2006. Subglacial stress bridging around low-pressure channgels. Draft Paper - refer to Lappegard thesis.

Lappegard, G., J. Kohler, M. Jackson and J. O. Hagen. 2006. Characteristics of subglacial drainage systems deduced from long-term load-cell measurements at Engabreen, Norway. Journal of Glaciology. Vol. 52, No. 176 pp137-148. jog.2006.52

Cohen, D., N. R. Iverson, T. S. Hooyer, U. H. Fischer, M. Jackson and P. Moore. 2005. Debris-bed friction of hard-bedded glaciers. Journal of Geophysical Research, 110, doi:10.10297/2004JF000228.

Lappegard, G. and J. Kohler. 2005. Determination of basal hydraulic systems based on subglacial high-pressure pump experiments. Annals of Glaciology, 40, 37-42.

Iverson N. R., D. Cohen, T.S. Hooyer, U. H. Fischer, M. Jackson, P. L. Moore, G. Lappegard, and J. Kohler. 2003. Effects of basal debris on glacier flow. Science, 301, 81-83.

Cohen, D., R. LeB. Hooke, N. R. Iverson and J. Kohler. 2000. Sliding of ice past an obstacle at Engabreen, NorwayJournal of Glaciology. 46, 599-610. 

Cohen, D. 2000. Rheology of ice at the bed of Engabreen, Norway. Journal of  Glaciology. 46, 611-621.

Jansson, P., J. Kohler and V. A. Pohjola. 1996. Characteristics of Basal Ice at Engabreen, Northern Norway. Annals of Glaciology, 22, 114-120.

HookeR. LeB. and N.R . Iverson 1995. Grain-size distribution in deforming subglacial tills: thr role of grain fracture. Geology. 23(1), 57-60.


Unpublished thesis and reports


Lefeuvre, P.M. 2016. Subglacial Processes and subglacial hydrology. Ph.D. thesis, University of Oslo.

Messerli, A. 2015. Surface velocities and hydrology at Engabreen: Observations from feature tracking and hydro-meteorological measurements. Ph.D. thesis, University of Copenhagen.

Eikerol, S. 2014. Terrestrial gravimetry for cryospheric mass variations: observations and modelling at Svartisen glacier, Norway. M.S.. thesis. Norwegian University of Life Sciences.

Christianson, K. A. 2011. Grounding-Based Geophysical Glaciology, Basal Processes, the Grounding Line, and the Marine Ice Sheet Instability (esp. ch. 4, Observations of Basal Processes at Engabeen, Norway). Ph.D. thesis. Pennsylvania State University.

Barnett, M. 2010. Implementation of In-Field Life Detection and Characterisation Techniques in Icy Environments. Ph.D. thesis. Cranfield University.

Lappegard, G.  2006.  Basal hydraulics of hard-bedded glaciers: observations and theory related to Engabreen, Norway.  Ph.D. thesis. University of Oslo.

Jackson, M. 2000. Svartisen Subglacial Laboratory, NVE Document 14, 27 pp.

Ruffles, L. M.  1999. In-situ investigations of subglacial hydrology and basal ice at Svartisen Glaciological Observatory, Norway.  PhD. Thesis. University of Wales, Aberystwyth. 

Cohen, D. 1998. Rheology of Basal Ice at Engabreen, Norway. Ph.D. thesis. University of Minnesota.

Lappegard, G. 1999.  Subglacial Pressure Variations beneath Engabreen.  Cand. Sci. Thesis. University of Oslo.

Kohler, J. 1998. The Effect of Subglacial Intakes on Ice Dynamics at Engabreen. HB-Rapport 12/98.

Kohler, J and J. Bogen. 1994. Målinger på og under Engabreen.  HB-Notat 1/94.

Kohler, J. 1994. Tracing at Engabreen. HB-Notat 23/94.

Kohler, J. 1993. Engabreen subglacial observatory: fieldwork report, March 1993: HB-Notat 11-93.  

Kohler, J. 1993. Tracing at Engabreen-August 1993: HB-Notat 17-93.

Kennett, M. 1988. Dybdemålinger og forsøk på lokalisering av subglasiale elveløp på Engabreen 1987. VHB Notat Nr. 8/88.


Moore, P. L., K. A. Christianson, N. R. Iverson, J. Winberry, D. Cohen, S. Anandakrishnan, M. Mathison and M. Jackson. 2010. Glacier Seismicity and Basal Sliding: Field Experiments at Engabreen, Norway. Eos Trans. AGU, Fall Meeting 2010, Abstract C43A-0527.

Jackson, M. and T. Haug. 2008. Glaciodyn activities on and under Engabreen. Extended abstracts, Workshop on the dynamics and mass budget of Arctic glaciers/GLACIODYN (IPY) meeting, 28 January-1 February 2008, Obergurgl, Austria. 62-64.

Iverson N. R., D. Cohen, T. S. Hooyer, J. F. Thomason and M. Jackson.  2008. Frictional Slip Resistance at Glacier Beds due to Rock Debris, Norway.  Eos Trans. AGU, 89(53), Fall Meeting Suppl., Abstract C23B-01.

Wadham, J. L., M. Tranter, A. Hodson, M. Skidmore, P. Wynn and M. Jackson. 2008. What lies beneath? New perspectives on the deep icy biosphere, Eos Trans. AGU, 89(53), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract B52B-07.

Barnett, M. J., D. C. Cullen, J. Telling, J. L. Wadham, J. Holt and M. Sims. 2007. Detection of Microbial Life in Glacial Samples - Laboratories Studies and Development for Field Use, Eos Trans. AGU, 88(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract C33B-03.

Cullen, D. C., J. L. Wadham, R. Pancost, S. Kelly, M. J. Barnett and M. Jackson. 2007. In Situ ATP Bioluminescent Measurements in Subglacial Environments – The Engabreen Glacier in the Norwegian Arctic, Eos Trans. AGU, 88(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract C33B-02

Cohen, D, T. S. Hooyer, N. R. Iverson, J. F. Thomason and M. Jackson. 2006. Effects of water pressure fluctuations on quarrying: subglacial experiments using acoustic emissions. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 8, 02784.

Jackson, M. and H. Elvehøy. 2006. Engabreen – mass balance results and the Svartisen subglacial laboratory. Extended abstracts, Workshop and GLACIODYN planning meeting, 29 January-3 February 2006, Obergurgl, Austria, 52-53.

Hooyer T. S., D. Cohen, N. R. Iverson, J. F. Thomason and M. Jackson. 2005. A quarrying experiment beneath a thick valley glacier: role of transient water pressure. Geological Society of America. Abstracts with Programs, 37(5).

Iverson N. R., D. Cohen, T. S. Hooyer, J. F. Thomason and M. Jackson. 2005. Effects of Water-Pressure Fluctuations on Glacial Erosion: a Quarrying Experiment Beneath Engabreen, Norway. Eos Trans. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2005, abstract #H51G-0442.

Lappegard, G. and J. Kohler. 2005. Stress-bridging around low-pressure subglacial channels. Geophysical Research Abstracts. Vol 7, 08882.

Cohen, D., N. R. Iverson, T. S. Hooyer, U. Fischer, M. Jackson and P. Moore. 2004. Debris-bed friction of hard-bedded glaciers.  Eos Trans. AGU, 85(46) Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract C34A-03.

Cohen, D., N. R. Iverson, T. S. Hooyer, U. H. Fischer, M. Jackson and P. Moore.  2003. Importance of debris-bed friction in resisting sliding of a hard-bedded glacier.  Geophysical Research Abstracts. 5, 01220 (invited).

Fischer, U. H., N. R. Iverson, T. S. Hooyer, D. Cohen, M. Jackson and J. Kohler. 2003. The role of subglacial sediment in glacier dynamics. Mitteilungen der VAW, Nr. 180. International Glaciological Symposium: Milestones in physical glaciology - from the pioneers to a modern science, 13-20, Zürich, Switzerland, February 14, 2003.

Iverson, N. R., D. Cohen,  T. S. Hooyer, U. H. Fischer, M. Jackson, P. L. Moore, G. Lappegard and J. Kohler. 2003. Bed-Deformation Experiments beneath a Thick Temperate Glacier.  GSA Abstracts 35(6), Annual Meet. Suppl. Abstract 122-8 (invited). (abstract)

Hooyer, T. S., N. R. Iverson, D. Cohen, U. H. Fischer, M. Jackson, P. L. Moore, G. Lappegard, and J. Kohler. 2002. Motion of a Temperate Glacier over Hard and Soft Beds: Subglacial Experiments at Engabreen, Norway. Eos Trans. AGU, 83 Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract.

Iverson, N. R., T. S. Hooyer, U. H. Fischer, D. Cohen, M. Jackson, P. L. Moore, G. Lappegard, and J. Kohler. 2002. Bed-Deformation Experiments beneath a Thick Temperate Glacier. Eos Trans. AGU, 83 Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract.

Jackson, M. and L. Ruffles. 2000. Water Pockets in the Basal Ice of Engabreen, Northern NorwayEos Trans. AGU, 83 Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract v. 81(48), H61G-07.

Cohen, D. 1999. Measurement of water content at the base of Engabreen, Norway. Eos Trans. AGU, v.80 Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract.

Kohler, J. and 9 others. 1998: Effect of a Controlled Discharge Pulse on the Subglacial Drainage System and Ice Flow at Engabreen, Northern Norway. Eos. (Abstract). 79(45), 274.

Lappegard, G., J. Kohler and J. O. Hagen. 1998. Subglacial Pressure Variations beneath Engabreen, Northern Norway. Eos. (Abstract). v. 79(45), 310.

Cohen, D., N. R. Iverson, R. LeB. Hooke, J. Kohler and H. Elvehøy. 1997. Basal ice rheology of flow past an obstacle at the bed of Engabreen, Norway. Eos. (Abstract). 78(46), 229.

Cohen, D., N. R. Iverson, R. LeB. Hooke, J. Kohler and H. Elvehøy. 1996. A study of the flow of ice past an instrumented obstacle at the bed of Engabreen, Norway. Eos. (Abstract). 77(46), 193.

Kohler J, V. Pohjola and P. Jansson. 1994. Subglacial experiments at Engabreen, northern Norway. Eos. (Abstract). 75(44), 227.

Kennett, M. I. and J. Kohler. 1993. Channel networks under Svartisen, Norway: a comparison of GIS modelling and tracer results. Eos. (Abstract). 74(43), 255.

Kohler, J and N.R. Iverson. 1993. Subglacial experiments at Engabreen, northern Norway. Eos. (Abstract). 74 (43), 263.