Publisert 28.11.2016 , sist oppdatert 31.10.2019

ACER calls for limiting the discrimination between internal and cross-zonal electricity exchanges

ACER recently published a Recommendation on the common capacity calculation and redispatching and countertrading cost sharing methodologies. This Recommendation establishes a set of high-level principles that aim to ensure that cross-zonal exchanges are not unduly discriminated against internal exchanges.

The Recommendation proposes, in particular, that cross-zonal capacities not be reduced anymore in order to solve congestions created by internal electricity exchanges, unless this is duly and transparently justified by reasons of overall market efficiency and operational security. This Recommendation is addressed to all TSOs and regulatory authorities, which have the task, respectively, to develop and approve the common capacity calculation and redispatching and countertrading cost sharing methodologies pursuant to the Guideline on Capacity Allocation and Congestion Management. Find out more here.